Craig Horton

The City Manager is appointed by the city commission to serve as the city’s chief administrative officer.

It is the manager’s responsibility to implement the policies formulated by the commission, supervise and manage all of the services of the city, and enforce the ordinances of the city, charter and applicable laws of the State.

The manager is also responsible for efficient administration of department heads and city staff and functions as personnel director and prepares personnel policies and employee contracts.

Other responsibilities include research. application and implementation of grants, preparing and administering the annual budget and keeping the commission advised of financial conditions and future needs of the city.

The manager attends all city commission meetings and serves on various boards and commissions. The manager also serves on and attends numerous board meetings to interact, exchange and obtain information to benefit the City and its residents.

Contact Info

City Manager

Craig Horton
810-724-2135 ext. 1306

Administrative Assistant

Leah May
810-724-2135 ext. 1305