Chief Wheeler

IMG 0985 Edited(1)

Chief Stano

Lt. Czap

320 1 Czap(1) (2)

Vickie Reintjes

320 1 Vickie(1)

Department Administrative assistant June 1978 - June 2013

Officer Brooks

IMG 1733 Pp Edited 1(1)

Officer Jeff “Bubba” Brooks
6/24/62 - 8/15/17
Rest In Peace my brother your legacy will remain.

Officer Brooks graduated from Lapeer East High School in 1980.  I then attended Northwood University for two years on a football scholarship.  he began his law enforcement career in 1983 , He joined the Lapeer County Sheriff’s Department Reserve Program.  In 1987 the Lapeer County Sheriff’s Department offered him a full-time Corrections Deputy position.  After 5 years as a corrections deputy he attended  Oakland University Police Academy.  After graduating the police academy, he was promoted to Road Patrol Deputy.  He worked as a Road Patrol Deputy for Lapeer County for 21 years, before retiring in 2013.  Giving him 30 years of serving the residents of Lapeer County.

After taking approximately one year off from police work,  he was contacted by Imlay City Police Department and asked if he would be interested in working for them on a part-time basis.  In July of 2014 he began his second career as an Imlay City Police Officer.  He worked part-time until October 2016 when he was hired full- time.

Officer Homer

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Officer Kevin D. Homer

Officer Homer was a lifelong resident of Imlay City. Kevin was a graduate of the Imlay City High School Class of 1973. He earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice at Mott Community College. During his police service he was a Certified Firearms Instructor.

He had been employed by Imlay City Police Department as a full time Police Officer from 1998 until his passing in 2016, totaling over 17 years of service for Imlay City. Previously, he had worked part-time for Almont Police Department and Dryden Police Department and was also a Reserve Deputy Sheriff with the Lapeer County Sheriff's Department for several years.