The Imlay City Waste Water Treatment Plant, located on First Street near Industrial Parkway, was constructed in 1958.
The tertiary oxidation ditch plant has a design capacity of .9 million gallons per day. To meet area growth and State requirements, a $6,000,000 state-of-the-art facility expansion was started in December 1987 and completed March 1989. The City received an EPA grant award of $2,633,452 covering 55% of the total allowable project cost, with the remainder of the cost met with bond sales.
To assist processing and increase sludge capacity, a 900,000-gallon Harvestor Tank was constructed in April 1996. The $641,000 project was funded through bond sales.
The most recent 2002 plant expansion was funded with municipal bonds. The completion of this project added a clarifier and oxidation ditch and increased design capacity from 0.43 MGD to 0.90 MGD.
Three city employees operate the City’s wastewater treatment plant.